Launched in May of 2023, Faux AI News’ (FAIN) mission is to craft compelling yet entirely fabricated news content, highlighting the potential dangers of AI-generated ‘Fake News’ and its associated imagery. In today’s digital age, the line between fact and fiction is increasingly blurred. Our goal is to raise awareness among the general public about the risks posed by AI-driven misinformation and the need for critical thinking in the face of such sophisticated technology.

Every story and image featured on our platform is produced using one of the many publicly accessible AI generation tools before they are edited and published by humans, demonstrating the ease with which falsehoods can be created and disseminated. By showcasing these fabricated narratives, we aim to foster a more discerning readership, equipped with the skills to question and verify the authenticity of the information they consume.

Through our intentionally false content, FAIN seeks to spark conversations around the ethical use of AI, the responsibility of technology developers, and the role of the individual in combating the spread of disinformation. By engaging with FAIN, we hope our audience will gain a deeper understanding of the implications of AI-generated content and become active participants in the fight against ‘Fake News.’