Kentucky Chaos: Derby Officials Defend Decision To Promote Inclusivity Despite Tragedy

In a reality bending and ultimately disastrous attempt to be more inclusive, the Kentucky Derby organizers made the unprecedented decision to allow cheetahs to participate in this year’s races. However, their pursuit of diversity quickly turned into chaos when the lightning-fast felines killed several horses mid-race, causing pandemonium in the stands and leaving organizers scrambling…

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All Aboard the Safety Train: FRA Introduces ‘Derailment Free Zone’ Signs

In a groundbreaking and seemingly foolproof move, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has taken a stand against the recent surge in financially and environmentally devastating train derailments. Their solution? Placing signs at all train stations that read, “Derailment Free Zone: All Derailments Prohibited Beyond This Point.” The FRA is confident that this innovative approach will…

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CIA Director Admits: Epstein Friendship Was Just ‘Secret-Keeping Boot Camp’

In a surprising turn of events, current CIA Director Bill Burns recently revealed that his relationship with the notorious Jeffrey Epstein was just part of an elaborate, long-term plan to hone his secret-handling skills before taking the reins at the Central Intelligence Agency. While the connection between Burns and Epstein has raised eyebrows, the CIA…

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